Investment And Retail Properties

AI Financial Services

Want to Buy a Rental Property?

The ability to increase your wealth with tenants paying the mortgage has always been a great way to get the most out of property ownership. Investing in property can also be an excellent superannuation scheme.


There are a range of investment property loans and loan features available ranging from simple home loans to more complex loans that allow you to structure your repayments.


There are many types of investment properties and many more investment property loan options on offer, as well as gearing options to suit different investment strategies. A loan Market mortgage advisor will help you do the sums to determine the best investment loan for your investment strategy.


Things you need to know when you are considering purchasing a rental property or building a property portfolio.

Investment And Retail Properties

Do I need a deposit or can I leverage off the equity in my existing home?


What is the best entity to us to own the property?


Should I have the loan interest only or pay principal and interest?


How do I structure my loan to take advantage of the current tax laws?


Investing in property is one of the most popular ways to create wealth and it’s important to plan ahead to ensure you make the most of your assets.

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